
Dental Tips for Good Oral Hygiene from Kind Smiles Dental in Lakewood Ranch, FL

Hands-down, the most effective treatment for most dental issues is prevention. With good oral hygiene care, including regular check-ups with your dentist, you can stop most dental problems before they start.

Dr. Allison Konick is a board-certified dentist treating patients of all ages at her office in Lakewood Ranch, FL. She not only offers patient-oriented care backed by years of study and firsthand experience, but she can also arm you with good dental hygiene tips, helping you remain an active participant in your oral health care.

Good Oral Hygiene Starts with You

The most crucial step toward consistent, overall oral health is brushing at least twice daily. Not everyone has the time to brush after every meal, but if you can’t, it’s essential to make sure you brush daily before bed and first thing in the morning. Brushing before bed removes germs and plaque accumulated during the day and keeps those potentially corrosive elements from settling in overnight. In addition to brushing regularly, you’ll want to make sure you brush correctly:

  • Take your time – don’t rush it.
  • Brush in gentle circles
  • Brush at bedtime and first thing in the morning
  • Don’t forget to brush your tongue – plaque can accumulate here too.

Another commonly overlooked but equally crucial oral health step is flossing. Flossing does more than remove food from between your teeth—it removes plaque, stimulates the gums, and helps reduce inflammation. To achieve these benefits, patients should try to floss at least once a day. Luckily for patients who have trouble with traditional ribbon floss, there are many new options for flossing (such as flossing sticks and water picks). These new inventions can make it easier for younger patients or patients with other issues like arthritis to take care of their gums at home.

Using fluoride toothpaste is another handy way of preventing cavities and other potential oral health issues. Some dentists may also recommend fluoride mouthwash. Fluoride mouthwash is more than a freshening agent. It can also be a valuable means for fighting decay as well. It can reach hard to brush areas and reduce acid in your mouth. If you’re unsure which mouthwash to use, your dentist can help you determine which mouthwash might be best for you.

Finally, water is the healthiest beverage out there for you, for both your overall health and your oral hygiene. Patients should try to drink water during the day, as it can help wash out acids from food between brushes.

Stay Healthy, Stay Happy

Dental issues can become complicated and uncomfortable quickly if left to their own devices. Regular brushing, flossing, and twice-a-year visits with Dr. Konick will help to keep you healthy and smiling with confidence for years to come. These simple, common-sense tips will all go a long way in keeping your teeth strong, healthy, and reliable.

To make an appointment with Dr. Konick and learn more about how to keep your mouth healthy and safe, schedule a consultation by calling Kind Smiles Dental Health in Lakewood Ranch, Florida, at (941) 253-5565.

Dr. Allison Konick

Published by
Dr. Allison Konick

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