Dental Crowns Bridges

Why should I consider getting dental crowns for my teeth?

Dental crowns play a role in restorative dentistry and continue to be a commonly used repair for patients at Kind Smiles Dental Health. Dr. Allison Konick of Lakewood Ranch, Florida, can use dental crowns to restore your teeth and walk you through when you may need to consider getting them!

What is a dental crown, and how is it commonly used?

First, understanding the role of a dental crown helps patients determine if they are a solution for their specific needs. A dental crown is a cap that covers a weak or damaged tooth to restore its shape, size, and function. It completely covers the more visible portion of the natural tooth above the gum line and helps to protect it from further damage.

Why would you need dental crowns for your teeth?

Several situations may arise in which Dr. Allison Konick might suggest the fabrication and placement of a dental crown. These include:

  • After root canal therapy. With endodontic therapy, the innermost part of the tooth (pulp) is removed, and the space is filled. As a result, the tooth can become brittle and prone to fracture. In such cases, a dental crown is placed over the treated tooth to protect it from breaking
  • Significant decay or damage. If a tooth has experienced extensive decay or damage that cannot be restored with fillings, a dental crown may be used to protect the tooth.
  • Cosmetic purposes. Dental crowns are used for cosmetic reasons, such as correcting misshapen or discolored teeth
  • Replacing a missing tooth. Dental bridges are commonly made with crowns on either side of the gap to support and secure the artificial tooth. A crown might also be placed over the actual abutment of a dental implant to replace a single tooth
Call Our Office for More Information
New Patients : (941) 253-5565 | Existing Patients : (941) 251-6225
Request an Appointment

Are dental crowns right for me?

Determining the need for dental crowns starts with an appointment with Dr. Allison Konick and her team at Lakewood Ranch, Florida.

The office is located at 11155 East State Road 70 and can be reached by dialing (941) 253-5565 to talk to the front office team about requesting an upcoming visit and consultation at Kind Smiles Dental Health!

Dr. Allison Konick

Published by
Dr. Allison Konick

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